Yellow chia pudding for citrus lovers
A few days ago, I started to use Dr Greger's app: "Daily Dozen". Even though I'm not completely obsessed with that stuff, I admit that I really feel some kind of satisfaction when I'm filling the checklist...
I think it could, somehow, help me to make better food choices and to include more nutritional ingredients into my meals.
Do some of you also use this app? Or even better, have you read any of Dr Greger's book? What's your opinion about it? Let me know in the comment section!
With this simple breakfast, we can cross:
- 100% dose of berries (since kumquats are considered as berries in this app)
- 1/3 other fruits
- 100% nuts (seeds are considered as nuts)
- 100% spices
And it's up to you to add flax seeds and oats to improve the nutritional benefits of this bowl!
- 100ml non dairy milk
- 3tbs chia seeds
- 8gr vanilla sugar
- 1/3ts turmeric
- 1tbs soy yoghurt
- 1 kumquat
- 1 limequat
- 1/2 tangerine
- some cornflakes
Pour non dairy milk into a jar, add chia seeds, sugar, turmeric and stir well. Let it firm up overnight in the fridge. Stir it again and transfer into a bowl.
Dress the other ingredients.
- 3cs graines de chia
- 8gr sucre vanillé
- 1/3cc curcuma
- 1cs yaourt de soja
- 1 kumquat
- 1 limequat
- 1/2 clémentine
- quelques cornflakes
Verser le lait végétal dans un bocal. Ajouter les graines de chia, le sucre, le curcuma et bien mélanger. Laisser au frigo toute la nuit pour que le mélange obtienne une consistence de pudding. Mélanger à nouveau et transférer dans un bol.
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